Saturday, June 1, 2013

My Life...

Monthly Rewind

My Pic of May
Spring, even though it was neither warm nor sunny, is Strawberry time! I do not need a lot of fruits but berries, especially strawberries, and peaches are those I am always looking forward to. My favorite way to eat strawberries is with caster sugar. If you haven't tried it you really should. 

May in One Word 
I spent most of May studying for two difficult exams I had. I did hardly anything else so there is no better word to describe the month.

3 Things that Happened in May 
  1. My best friend and I went to the David Garrett concert - it was incredible. If you want to know more about it, you can read my gushy post here. 
  2. My mum and I went to see the new Star Trek Into Darkness film. As an old Trekkie I loved it!   
  3. The new Lady Antebellum album hit the shelves in May and it is as good as the others. I can't get enough.
5 Songs that Were Popular on My I-Pod
Downtown by Lady Antebellum

It's a beautiful day by Michael Bublé

Different by Robbie Williams

Goodbye Town by Lady Antebellum

Waggon Wheel by Darius Rucker/O.C.M.S cover by Corey Gray and Jake Coco

Book I Read this Month
  • Jenn McKinlay - Books Can be Deceiving
  • Rachel Hakwins - Hex Hall
  • Sophie Kinsella - Wedding Night
  • Lauren Graham - Someday, Someday, Maybe
  • Jill Shalvis - The Sweetest Thing
  • Marissa Meyer - Cinder
  • Jack Sheffield - Educating Jack
  • Rachel Gibson - Rescue Me
  • - Phoenix Rising

    9 books 
    3169 pages

  a TV series I liked this month

I started watching Parenthood and flew through the first season in two or three days. It is a drama series starring Lauren Graham, Peter Kraus and so many other good actors. I really like the storyline and the setting. I cannot believe it took me so long to discover Parenthood.

 3 Random Things I (Re-)Discovered/Liked this Month 
  1. I really missed the quality time I spend with my friend's baby boy every week during the two weeks I didn't see him in May.
  2. Before one of my exams my (special) calculator broke and I called an old friend and she immediately agreed to borrow me hers. I still can count 100% on my friends and that means the world to me. 
  3. I discovered how many unread books I have on my shelf and started reading a lot more books from my TBR pile and stopped buying so many. 
Things I'm Looking Forward to in June
  • My mum and I will be in Berlin at the beginning of June. I cannot wait to go there again after 8 years. Berlin is a wonderful city full of life and there's so much to discover there.
  • Two of my friends will celebrate their birthday this month with a small BBQ. 
  • At the end of June my mum, aunt and my two uncles will celebrate their birthdays (that were all in March) with a party.
  • The university semester will end at the end of June and my three months of summer holidays will beginn. 
Felix in May

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